Tuesday, September 14, 2010

what makes a complete human being

"One person by himself is not a complete human being...." (p.6)

Through this quote Frye is conveying the idea that without other people around to share our experiences with a person is not complete. So much of how a person acts and interacts with others is a direct result of the people and society that surround them. Without anyone to influence and educate a person throughout their life they will not have essential qualities and miss out on lessons which could be learned from other people.

The idea of not being complete can also relate to how in our society today a person's happiness or feeling of success/completion does not always rely on self satisfaction, they want to have others see what they have accomplished and receive praise for it. Without this it would make a lot of hard tasks, problems etc. that people have spent their life completing or solving seem worthless, which emphasizes the need for humans to constantly have other people around them to feel complete.


  1. I totally agree that people need others to learn from, and that they feel more complete when others share their success.

  2. I also agree...I think today's society heavily relies on the praise of people around them in order to feel a sense of self satisfaction/completeness. Maybe it's because there seems to be something more rewarding about someone else telling you that you've succeeded, instead of trying to convince yourself you have.

  3. I thirdly agree, I think the expression "there is no "I" in TEAM" can also relate sometimes people prefer to do things on there own, but when you think about it pretty much everything done in todays society is with other people. If you play sports you need an opponent, and if you sing, dance, or act you want an audience. Most importantly when you succeed at something you are passionate it about you want someone there to share your success with you. Also those people you share your success with may have been the one's to motivate you to succeed.


"The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion."
G. K. Chesterton

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