Monday, September 13, 2010

Can society shape someone?

One person by himself s not a complete human being... (Page 6)

Frye is saying how 'one person can't do it all'. To shape someone to be who they are takes more then one person, it takes a society as a whole. I thoroughly agree that one person would be a no body without society help shape who they are. They would be emotionless, not aware of any of his surroundings, and not able to "be". Society is so important in our lives. Although we don't see how much it effects us, it does. It can range from your friends and family, up to people who who live half way across the world. The world is so intertwined it is unbelievable. Just a few years ago the Internet was some small thing. Now most of our lives depend on the internet. Ever realize someone has to manage internet usage? They are part of our society. This relates back to "The Love of Learning" showing how it describes who we are as a whole... Not as a person, but as a whole. We are what we are, thanks to the people around us.

1 comment:

  1. I defiantly agree with you and I like how you relate the internet to our society because it defiantly a huge part of our lives.


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