Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Great Writers

"The writer of literature can only write out what takes shape in his mind." p.24

I agree with what Frye is saying here, I think what makes a good writer, a great writer are all the life experiences he or she may have had, the mistakes he or she have learned from and all the stories they have read. This quote ties into Frye's main point about this chapter, which is new literature is old literature. For a writer to become a great writer they have to read many other stories, and be able to tell the difference between a bad, good, and great story. They also need to use those stories as a base for their stories that they are currently writing.

I think you can apply this quote to many other things, for example math. The more variety of math problems a student as solved, the greater chance they will have at solving a difficult problem.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with what you wrote. If a writer never read any other books they would not know what makes a good or great book.


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