The ending is definitly the best part of the novel. This is probably because of the build up of tension throughout of the book.
This novel was very well written by Brandon Sanderson, and I hope to see a sequel to this novel, just because it is very unique.
In the second part of this book I found that the only reason Lightsong inspected those tunnels was because he wanted to find himself. There was no other reason, even though in the novel the character thought it was.
Now at the end of this novel, just about every question that is going through ones mind is answered. We do find out that what Lightsong was dreaming was infact a vision of the future. We also learn who Lightsong actually was before he died and that his High Priest was his brother.
However in the end, Lightsong gives up his life in order to save the two nations of Idris and Hallandren, making it the second time he has died saving lives.
The ending is very open for a sequel, and although Brandon Sanderson has stated that this novel was to be a stand-alone novel, he said that he would be writing a second book in this universe but probably in a different part of the "world".
I know this will probably be a long time before this happens, however I still can't wait for the next book.
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