“It’s and ancient truth that those who risk the least usually live the least.” Ironically... “in many aspects of life the biggest risk is not to risk at all.” The power of taking risks and dreaming big is often beyond what can logically be explained. Cooper alludes to the fact that the problem with goal setting, is that too many of us neglect to set goals that are high enough. Consequently, we must set goals we never thought we could accomplish in order to achieve things that we never dreamt we could achieve.
Unfortunately, a large percentage of the population believes that it is always better to set low expectations and be more likely to achieve them, rather than setting high ones and running the risk of disappointed and failure. But what is “failure”? If you fail to achieve an extremely high goal aren't you still much further ahead than if you had reached a low one, or better yet, set none at all?
I think the correct answer is yes, and I've learned that even thought the thought may be daunting, it is important to dream big and hope irrationally. “We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the seemingly impossible to become a reality.” – Vaclav Havel
The Other 90% - Robert K. Cooper