Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Evolution Is True; entry 3

In my final entry on Why Evolution Is True, I would like to convey how supportive the book was to an audience that potentially did not know much about evolution. The book took its time, spending sometimes several pages to explain some of the more complex concepts in evolutionary biology (A prime example being embryology) instead of just rushing through it expecting the reader to know everything about the subject.
Another way in which it was very supportive to new readers was by adding a glossary to the back of the book that explained what many of the more complex biological terms meant, should the reader been confused from the text.
Finally, the book provided a large section of its pages to list down books that one could use for further reading into the subject. This would allow people new to the subject to read and learn multitudes more about evolution then they could through this book alone.
Thus I am really glad this book allowed not just the experienced, but the inexperienced as well to enjoy its pages.

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