Thursday, May 19, 2011
I Want To Feel It All
Marianne says this to Eleanor after she finds out that Willoughby is engaged and Eleanor is trying to calm her down. She is saying that she isn't going to lie to herself about how she feels. She wants to feel all of her emotions whether happy or sad. I think this shows her true character because she never hides her feelings or tells any sort of lie.
We can also see a contrast between Marianne and Eleanor once again because Eleanor believes there is no point in showing how she feels because it will just upset other people, while Marianne doesnt consider how her actions will affect others.
Revealing Love
This is an important moment in the novel because it is the first time when Eleanor actually expresses any feelings of love towards Edward. Before this point it appears that they are good friends and nothing more, but after she states this you can see that he is always on her mind and that they really are inlove because he wears her hair around his finger. From this we can also see a drastic difference in Marianne and Eleanor because Marrianne's feelings are always very obvious, where as you never really know how Eleanor is feeling.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Some Final Thoughts

Not to sound too poetic or philosophical; this novel took me on an "adventure" across Italy and Switzerland, and gave me a feeling of what it was like to be in that area during the First World War. With only one WW1 veteran still with us, and with him being expected to pass away before the end of the summer, we are about to lose an important historical link. Novels such as these can help the population to understand "The Great War" - not so much the chronology, but the emotions and feelings that drove it. The novel was written during the heart of the 1920s, with its own mixture of emotions and social factors. The writing style of the novel offers insight into this. Soon most of those alive during this time will also pass on, and we will lose another link with history.
In conclusion, this novel isn't just a great storyline, it is a link with history. Regardless of your personal tastes in literature, I think anyone would appreciate - and enjoy - this work.
An Anti-War Novel?

However, here is the catch: Hemingway himself wasn't an anti-war person. Indeed, 20 years later in WW2, Hemingway served as a freelance correspondent and had exploits including hunting for German U-Boats in a rigged up fishing boat off Cuba, leading a village militia in France, and attaching himself to army units led by his personal friends (seen in the photo in the top right) and staying at the front lines -- he even received the American Bronze Star for bravery under fire, only three medals below the Medal of Honor. This doesn't seem to match his perceived anti-war image.
I believe the answer is this: Hemingway liked the "classic" image of war - the one of glory on the battlefield, the average man becoming a hero, immense victories. WW1, especially the Italian Front, offered none of this. From this thought, I have been led to believe that the theme of anti-war in the novel isn't anti-war at all, but more anti-WW1.
Regardless of whether my thesis is right or wrong, as I have hopefully demonstrated, this novel provokes stimulating thoughts that are not just limited to the plot line.

This novel makes an interesting study: not only is the plot line one of the classics of literature, but it also is strongly inspired by the exploits of the author, almost in an autobiographical fashion.
Monday, April 25, 2011
City of Thieves: 3
Life of Pi #3- The Power of Choice
The ending for this book is so unique and interesting. It was the very last part of the book that made me decide I liked the book. Religion is a very important theme in this book that appears throughout the whole novel, there are a few important quotes in Life of Pi about believing and not believing in god. For example, “I can well imagine an atheist’s last words: “White, white! L-L-Love! My God!”—and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeast less factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, “Possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain,” and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story.” (p.70) This quote is crucial to the story. It explains way Pi does not like agnostics, because they do not make the ultimate choice.
After telling the story with the animals, the author Yann Martel, puts a twist in the book when Pi is explaining his story to the two officials from the Japanese Ministry of Transport, they do not believe him so than Pi tells another story replacing the animals with people, a cook instead of a hyena, a sailor instead of a zebra, his mother instead of the orangutan, and of course Pi as Richard Parker.
"'So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?'” (p.352) The ending is so unique because YOU have to decide what story you believe in. Its very similar to Inception, is he living in reality or is he dreaming?
Life of Pi #2
I really enjoyed the beginning of the book, but after reading a little bit of Part II I’m starting to change my mind. After the ship sinks, Pi ends up being stranded on a life boat with a orangutan, a zebra with a broken leg, and a hyena (at this point he does not realize that Richard Parker my favourite character is onboard the ship). After a couple days on ship the hyena finally decides to attack the zebra, so for many pages its just rambles on about a poor zebra suffering for many days, I found this to be very disturbing and I really wanted to skip pages. This also happens with the orangutan. And than finally Richard Parker shows up and puts an end to the evil Hyena.
Life of Pi #1
At the beginning of Life of Pi, Pi’s father takes him and his brother Ravi to watch Richard Parker devour a goat. He does this to teach Pi, and Ravi a lesson of how dangerous animals can be. This is ironic because the whole story is about Pi living alone with Richard Parker on a small lifeboat. In act II, Pi makes a reference to what is father taught him: “Truly I was to be the next goat. I had a wet, trembling, half-drowned, heaving and coughing three-year-old adult Bengal tiger in my lifeboat.” (p.110) From the way Pi describes Richard Parker we can see he his terrified for the adventure he is about to experience and how the lesson his father taught him has had an impact on him.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
City of Thieves: 2
Meant to be.
Coming away from this book, I realize I didn’t initially appreciate Austen’s writing style and the brilliance in the way she puts life to each and every one of the characters. I definitely enjoyed the book much more in the end than I had anticipated I would halfway into it. This classic love story gives us the emotionally satisfying ending that all of us desire. It powerfully addresses marriage, true love, and happiness and explores the idea of all these emotions coming together and overcoming the prejudices of class. This conveys that social structure is insignificant to love, but what I found very interesting is that although Austen dismisses prejudices among social ranking, it seems as if she accepts them and also believes they are inevitable. Austen also proves that one is only capable of loving when they have found a balance in pride. She also suggests that true love cannot be stopped if it is meant to be. No one and no societal pressure is capable of ruining Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s relationship. It withstands the worst of the worst; Mrs. Catherine’s sabotage attempt, Mrs. Bingley’s self-indulgence, Mrs. Bennet’s irrationality, and Wickham’s deceitfulness.
The Golden Mean Never Fails
At this point, I am about half way through the book and it still feels as if nothing is really happening. Yes, the characters are beautifully developed and the story is retold with exceptional imagery and detail, but nothing much has happened in the storyline. However, what I have been enjoying is the fact that the story seems to be continually developing thematically. Deception/misunderstanding has more recently become an evident theme with Darcy’s proposal to
Pride and Prejudice
My initial impression of Pride and Prejudice is not quite as great as I had hoped. Although nothing substantial and page turning has happened so far, key themes, motives, and characters have been clearly established and distinguished. The setting and time period itself has been talked about repeatedly along with the idea/importance of marriage, but more specifically marrying into wealth. These first few chapters have specifically foreshadowed the battle between the Bennet sisters’ minds and hearts that are bound to unfold. I've also picked up on both the words "pride" and "prejudice" which are continually brought up over and over (which is no surprise). Our first impression of Mr. Darcy is nothing but sheer arrogance and interestingly enough,
Saturday, April 23, 2011
City of Thieves: 1
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sethe's comforter
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Murderer or Thief
One odd thing i have noticed about the circles of Hell is how Dante ordered the sins. For example murderers are in the seventh circle, the violent circle, and thieves are in the eighth circle, the fraud circle. Sins are ordered by how contradictory they are to god's will (unconditional love), but still I guess it's worse to steal from your neighbour rather than kill him.
Fitting Punishments
Souls Leaving Hell
Monday, April 4, 2011
Denver's rage
Denver's raging tone is clearly evident in her accusation of her mother. The author uses syntax to emphasize Denver's anger towards her situation. She is fed up with living in isolation and being hated by everyone she knows. She blames herself for this, but most of her furry appears to be directed towards her mother. Her statement illustrates the importance of community and being surrounded by other social beings. It implies that a person is not an island but needs other people not only for company, but also for support and growth as a person. I feel the importance of community is a major theme in Beloved which the author hopes to show through the plot.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
1984 the acceptance
Game of Thrones - End
Game of Thrones - Middle
Game of Thrones - Intro
A Clockwork Orange And The Concept Of Conformity.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This novel was very well written by Brandon Sanderson, and I hope to see a sequel to this novel, just because it is very unique.
In the second part of this book I found that the only reason Lightsong inspected those tunnels was because he wanted to find himself. There was no other reason, even though in the novel the character thought it was.
Now at the end of this novel, just about every question that is going through ones mind is answered. We do find out that what Lightsong was dreaming was infact a vision of the future. We also learn who Lightsong actually was before he died and that his High Priest was his brother.
However in the end, Lightsong gives up his life in order to save the two nations of Idris and Hallandren, making it the second time he has died saving lives.
The ending is very open for a sequel, and although Brandon Sanderson has stated that this novel was to be a stand-alone novel, he said that he would be writing a second book in this universe but probably in a different part of the "world".
I know this will probably be a long time before this happens, however I still can't wait for the next book.
I have already read through half of the novel, and I have already figured things out that I have not figured out before. Before I believed that Clod the lifeless was just a person that they had bought, when in reality, Clod the Lifeless is Arsteel, one of the five scholars and friend to Vasher and Denth.
Another point is that, when Vasher snuck around the Court of the Gods tunnel, he made sure not to kill anyone, however when we looked at the murder through Lightsongs view point, someone was killed. This can only lead to the one option. Denth was following Vasher, and Denth was the one to kill the man. Since Denth wants revenge against Vasher, that is a likely option.
What I also notice better is the role reversal of the two princesses, Siri and Vivenna. As the story has progressed for the half of the novel so far, we see that Siri went from being an emotional outbursting type of person to a person who has learned to control her emotions and look like how a princess should look. While Vivenna, went from being everything one would expect a princess to be, to someone who has lost control of her life.
Lightsong stayed Lightsong. The same person I read about the last time. The same god who doesn`t believe in his own religion.
Well that is all so far. I will post again when i'm done the book.
Warbreaker was my first Sci-Fi Fantasy novel, and with its plot twists, excitement, crazy magic system, and a unique story, it introduced me to the genre.
The author, Brandon Sanderson, is a very unique writer, where he will not write a type of story that has already been used in the genre, such as a poor boy defeating a dark wizard. He likes his stories to be unique, and anyone who picks up a Brandon Sanderson novel will find the story new and one would feel part of the story. His characters are also ones you would not expect either. For example, the hero in Warbreaker is not the typical hero one would think of. He is not the man wearing large shinning armour, leading a great army into battle, but a rough looking person who works in the shadows, through diplomacy rather than fighting. However fighting is inevitable for a hero of this genre, and there are some fights involving him.
Time to start reading Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A Clockwork Orange and the issue of forced kindness.
This shows us the moral of forcing someone to be one way. As the rest of the world does not work in a shade of white or black, forcing a man to be at such will destroy them as it impede's their ability to react. This can be seen when the old man, who Alex attacked prior to his incarceration, attacks Alex in the library and Alex has no choice but to beaten by him. Despite Alex having paid for his crime. This shows that even the "good" people Alex was reformed to co-operate with are not perfectly innocent and thus that the Ludovico technique is in essence a failure.
A Clockwork Orange and the Importance of Free Choice.
We see the two sides of this confrontation from the religious men and the government within the novel. The government says that to keep and continue order within the society they must force civillians who act like a monsters to be forced normal (represented in the Ludovico technique) so that society can continue.
The religious men believe that choice should be allowed no matter what, as without choice humans become little less then animals.
In the end we find that free choice is ultimately the best answer, but in this case comes far too late.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Visual Understanding
The play Hamlet is well portrayed in Branagh’s film Hamlet. Branagh uses the text from the play throughout the whole movie. This gives the reader a better understanding of the play because the actors are using the same text as the play, which creates a better visual for the reader, and makes the film easier to follow, it also allows the reader to see a different interpretation of Shakespeare's play. As you are reading Hamlet, I think it is important to consider all the emotions a character could have, and to see other peoples perspectives of the character, for example if the queens character married her husbands brother to stay queen or because she loves her son Hamlet, and wanted him to have a chance at becoming king. I thought the film portrayed Gertrude, as loving Hamlet, and wanting to protect him, while the book made her seem more selfish, and not caring about the death of Hamlets father. I think knowing different peoples opinion’s about the play, lets us discover the less obvious themes in the play, and helps us reach a better conclusion about what truly is happening.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Media Studies: Comparing film adaptations of Hamlet
- Chose one or two of the film elements listed below and consider how Branagh’s version (1996) and Zeffirelli’s version (1990) compare and contrast
- Compare and contrast the adaptations by examining the portrayal of major characters or a character
- Respond to another student’s comments (NB: identify who you are responding to by using the tag “@” such as @Socrates if you are responding to me)
Film Elements to consider:
Sound Elements:
- Sound effects, background noise in the scene
- Soundtrack, music, voiceovers and other sounds put on over the scene
- What lines are emphasized?
- What lines (if any) are noticeably cut, included, or altered?
- Facial expressions
- Gestures and mannerisms, body language
- Tone of voice and inflection
- Fluctuation, Pauses, and Volume of voice
- Where is the scene taking place physically?
- What do props and costumes tell us about the characters and about the time period?
- How are the props/setting used and what might they mean/signify?
- How long does the director stay with shots?
- How often are there cuts and transitions?
- When does the camera take the view of a character?
- Were there close ups, long shots? To what effect?
- What is the effect of each of these aspects on the scene?
- How does each director establish the tone of the scene?